Registration for new accounts is not permitted at this time
Welcome to the on-line parent teacher interview booking system for Poplar Ridge School. You will need to create an account, enter your children and then schedule interview times for you to meet with their teachers virtually.
Interviews will be Wednesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 22
from 3:15 pm to 8:00 pm.
You will find the system very easy to use and it will take only a few minutes to setup your account, your children and your appointments. Once you've booked your appointments you can change them if something else comes up until midnight on October 16th.
Each year you will need to registered in the Fall as class configurations change and so do our teachers. If you've forgotten your log in information it's really easy to recover by clicking the "forgot password" on the top of this page. To register for an account, click on the "REGISTER" tab above.
The deadline to book or change an appointment is October 16 @ midnight. You will receive a link to the virtual interview the following week from your Child's teacher.
If you have questions please call Michelle at 403-343-8821.
Parent login is not permitted at this time.
On-line appointment booking is not permitted at this time.
Registration for new accounts is not permitted at this time.